
Mission Berlin is a powerful, Spirit-led movement dedicated to saving lost souls in the city of Berlin. Through the grace of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, we host conferences and outreach ministries aimed at reaching the depressed, the youth, and those in need of healing. This movement, made possible through the collaboration of multiple churches, brings healing, casts out demons, and restores hope to those who are struggling, all in the name of Jesus.


Mission 2025 is an upcoming, powerful conference designed to ignite Berlin with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and we are continually working toward it as one body of Christ, united in purpose and mission.

Support mission

Support the mission through financial contributions. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. – Luke 6:38 (NIV)

Volunteer mission

Volunteer for the mission as an usher to help organize Mission 2025. They are a crucial part of the mission’s success.

Moments from

Mission 2024

Mission 2024 was an incredible 7-day conference held at the Estrel Conference Hall in Berlin. Many lives were touched, healings took place, and numerous people submitted their lives to Jesus. The event featured morning and evening meetings, each filled with the fire of God, and many attendees were baptized. The conference began with a powerful Jesus march through the streets of Berlin, where thousands gathered to proclaim His name.

Lives were changed


and on day 7, around 200 people were baptized with water and spirit


The conference began with a powerful Jesus march through the streets of Berlin, where thousands gathered to proclaim His name.


The breakfast meeting was blessed with the anointing of God, and all who attended enjoyed a fulfilling meal. During this gathering, the vision for Mission 2025 was born.


The churches that collaborated and sponsored this amazing conference played a crucial role in its success.

Connect with us

Phone: +49 174 3144517
Email: info@mccberlin.org